Nancy Reese

Nancy Reese

  • Director, 护理; Department Chair, 护理; Associate 教授essor, 护理
    Email Address:
    Office location:
    Lentz Hall 329

    Nancy Reese has been a registered nurse since 1996, 十年前,她开始了作为一名注册护士助理的旅程. Her nursing practice specialty areas are medical-surgical, specifically neurological nursing and community health. Her teaching practice spans many areas, including nursing ethics, leadership, pathophysiology, pharmacology, health assessment, health policy, evidence-based practice, research, spirituality, and service learning. 她自2007年起担任护士教育工作者,自2014年起担任护士教育领导者.

    教授. Reese has published and lectured extensively. 她的作品出现在各种媒体上,包括护理教科书“护理实践中的精神护理”,” various devotional books, newspaper articles, and health promotion newsletter articles. She has presented posters and spoken about parish nursing, theology, dedicated education units in nursing, and higher education at conferences, retreats, and networking events. 她的研究领域包括精神困扰和护理学生, improving student/faculty relationships, 通过专门的教育单位建立临床关系, service-learning, and quality improvement.

    任务 and ministry are key to her 生活. 她曾担任27个特派团的小组组长,并在世界各地的两个特派团中担任小组成员. 在洪都拉斯开展便携式医疗旅是最常见的服务活动, over twenty trips, 自2002年以来,她一直带领10到45人的团队在那里服务.

    当地社区服务也是她生活的重要组成部分. 她为教会看护团体提供培训和指导, worked with county health department programs, and consulted on mission development. 她是当地村庄医疗预备队的志愿者.

    教授. 里斯获得了威斯康辛州康考迪亚大学领导和管理护理实践博士学位, 威斯康辛州康考迪亚大学护理教育硕士学位, 在芝加哥康考迪亚大学/西郊护理学院获得护理学学士学位.

    In addition, 她在威斯康辛州康考迪亚大学完成了非专业牧师的认证. She is a certified nurse educator, a member of the Wisconsin Organization of Nurse Leaders, a member of the National League of 护理, a member of the Psi Lambda and Phi Beta chapters of Sigma, the international nursing honor society, and the Nurses’ Christian Fellowship.

    Hear from 教授. Reese: Why nursing?

    护理教育不仅是认知和触觉的学习,也是情感的学习. 学生学习以证据为基础的干预措施,通过在各个领域执行的复杂程序带来最佳的健康结果. But also, nurses experience death, 生活, 希望, 绝望, 胜利, and tragedy – sometimes all in the same day.

    “作为一名护士教育工作者,我努力引导学生优雅地通过这三个领域. Over 17 years ago, as a graduate student, 我开始了我的工作,形成了一个“同情护理教育”的护士教育理论.这个理论为我的护理教育和实践奠定了爱、善良和同情的基础. Upon entering higher education two years later, 我一直倡导对所有护理专业的学生进行富有同情心的护理教育. Over the past 15 years, I have intersected with an estimated 5,000 students in the classroom or clinical areas.

    “我的一项乐趣是指导新的和经验丰富的护理教师在爱中构建他们的护理教育和实践, compassion, and unconditional positive regard. 我生活的一个关键宣言是“把最好的建筑放在每件事上。.’

    “In addition to compassionate nursing education, 值得注意的是,护理实践是一个动态的,不断发展的领域,需要灵活性和适应性. 正如美国护理学院协会所说:“为了确保毕业生为当代实践做好准备,需要教师们意识到不断变化的变化,理解学习的科学,并致力于适应课程。, teaching strategies, and student learning assessment to meet these needs. It is paramount to inculcate graduates with the knowledge, 技能, 以及通过终身学习拥抱变革和创新的价值观.’

    “护理的未来是光明的,因为敬业的护士教育工作者营造了帮助学生的学习环境, patients, families, and communities to achieve healthy outcomes. 护士教育工作者在他们所做的一切工作中都致力于多样性、公平、卓越和关怀. They are the true role models to their students.

    “作为一名护士教育工作者,我每天都能找到新的希望和快乐. You can find me smiling ear to ear, 在护理学习实验室观察学生练习触觉技能. In the classroom, 我喜欢让护理专业的学生参与到证据中,因为他们发现了改善医疗保健未来的新方法. The most rewarding, 然而, 是当我去不同的临床场所,直接观察护理学生从事护理实践. 护生高举希望之光进入护理的未来. Serving in my role as a nurse educator is a true honor.”

    • B.S. -护理,芝加哥康考迪亚大学/西郊护理学院
    • M.S.N. — Concordia University Wisconsin, Nurse Educator
    • D.N.P. — Concordia University Wisconsin, Leadership & Administration
    • Pathophysiology
    • Pharmacotherapeutics in 护理
    • Foundations in 护理
    • 成人 Health I
    • 成人 Health II
    • Mental Health 护理
    • Community Health 护理
    • Pediatric 护理
    • Health Assessment
    • Ethics in 护理
    • Evidence Based Practice
    • Clinical Synthesis/Role Transition
    • Service Learning – Chicago
    • Service Learning – National
    • Service Learning – Honduras/Belize
    • Spiritual Care in 护理 Practice
    • Applied Leadership
    • Scholarly Synthesis and Health Policy
    • DNP I – IV and Advanced Leadership


    • 2024 MLK Legacy Award – Carthage College
    • 2023 - Saemann基金会跨专业教育项目继续资助:5,000美元
    • 2022 - Saemann基金会跨专业教育补助金(IPE) - 50,000美元
    • 2021 - NACCHO医疗储备部队补助金-重建反应能力
    • 2020 Nominee — ‘Daisy Award for 教师’
    • 2019 Hero of 护理 Award — American Red Cross
    • 2017年顶峰护士领袖奖-护理领导的力量
    • 2017年全国长期医院协会创新奖
    • 2016 -上帝之城本地和国际服务学习补助金
    • Habermeier, N. (2003) Collaboration in spiritual care. 在K. Mauk & N. Schmidt (Eds.), Spiritual Care in 护理 Practice. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
    • Reese, N. (2024) “Academic and Practice Partnerships.” Wisconsin Organization of Nurse Leaders — invited.
    • Reese, N. (2023) “Dedicated Education Units.” Wisconsin Organization of Nurse Leaders — invited.
    • Reese, N. (2023) “Spring Wellness.” St. 彼得路德教会青年之心高级小组-邀请.
    • Reese, N. (2022) “Winter 安全 & 首页 Emergency Preparedness.” Village of Schaumburg Winter 安全 Event — invited.
    • Reese, N. (2022)“护理证据与研究:我们的日常机会!"国际护理荣誉学会Sigma春季优等奖-同行评议.
    • Reese, N. (2021) “Winter 安全 & 首页 Emergency Preparedness.” Village of Schaumburg Winter 安全 Event — invited.
    • Reese, N. (2019). “护理和放射学学生合作:在一个专门的教育单位提高患者满意度”Sigma国际研究会议-同行评审.
    • Reese, N. (2018)“专门的教育单位和长期急症护理医院:创新的伙伴关系”AACN学士护理教育会议-同行评审.